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SATs exam request for volunteers
SATs exam request for volunteers
City Academies Cycling Afterschool Hub Sessions
City Academies Cycling Afterschool Hub Sessions

What does it mean to be living and learning in a Church of England school?
Who are we?
At the start of each term, we consider with our students this question. We return to our bible quote that helps to shape who we are and how we work…
John 15: 4-6
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit.
At its simplest, this quote helps us to be a community who live with God and his teachings, and this is guiding all the work we do. Everyone is welcome.

What do we do?
When you enter the school, you will see a large vine tree art project taking place. The vine tree is important to us because helps to explain our work.
The trunk of the tree is the school’s vision which has four key words within it.
As a Christian school we recognise the unique and wonderful in everyone. As a community we support one another to flourish and live life in all its fullness.
Where might I notice the vision of the school at work this term?
As a parent you will feel our vision at work in the academic reviews that take place this term, where staff are working hard to know and support your child as an individual. You will hear us celebrating students wonderful through the rewards and celebration events that are taking place each half term and through the new addition to the newsletter that focuses on Sporting and outside success stories celebrating the many amazing achievements your children have inside and out of school.
Our world if Full and can offer great joy, but also at times may bring trouble and worries. The school works hard to help students to realise that can make a difference, that small change in our lives if enough people make them can have great impact. We call this courageous advocacy and this term a group of year 7 will be running a Fullness Day to raise funds for the Air Ambulance which is close to their Herts.
To Flourish our students are encouraged to own and be proud of who they are, our Dynamic Diversity group work hard to promote difference and to help the school to live up to its charter and goals.

What are our values and virtues why are they important in the work we do?
Our values are the branches of our vine tree. We have 15 values, and you can see them displayed in the header of our web page. We explore each value over a half term in our Collective Worship. This half term we have started to explore wisdom – and understanding of the true value in life. We are asking the question are our leaders wise.
Our final part of the tree is the fruit, or the virtues if our school is working well, we will have a community that is respectful and committed to learning well together is empathetic and are courageous in advocating for change and social justice.